Carer Support Pembrokeshire LAUNCHED

Launch Day banner

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the new Carers Support Pembrokeshire – a dedicate resource designed to support carers in our community providing information, advice and support for carers in Pembrokeshire.

Our new service offers:

  • Expert Guidance: We offer tailored one-to-one support from experienced professionals on managing your caring responsibilities.
  • Resources and Tools:  Access a wide range of helpful materials, including guides, local services, and financial support information.
  • Support Networks: Connect with other carers and discover local support groups, training, and events tailored to your needs.
  • Carers Grants
  • Short breaks, respite and replacement care
  • Free monthly legal advice surgeries

Rydym wrth ein bodd yn cyhoeddi lansiad gwasanaeth newydd Cymorth i Ofalwyr Sir Benfro – adnodd pwrpasol a gynlluniwyd i gynorthwyo gofalwyr yn ein cymuned, trwy ddarparu gwybodaeth, cyngor a chymorth i ofalwyr yn Sir Benfro.

Mae ein gwasanaeth newydd yn cynnig:

  • Arweiniad Arbenigol: Rydym yn cynnig cymorth un i un wedi’i deilwra gan weithwyr proffesiynol profiadol ar reoli eich cyfrifoldebau gofalu.
  • Adnoddau ac Offer:  Gallwch gyrchu ystod eang o ddeunyddiau defnyddiol, gan gynnwys canllawiau, gwasanaethau lleol, a gwybodaeth am gymorth ariannol.
  • Rhwydweithiau Cymorth: Cewch gysylltu â gofalwyr eraill a darganfod grwpiau cymorth, hyfforddiant, a digwyddiadau lleol wedi’u teilwra i’ch anghenion.
  • Grantiau Gofalwyr.
  • Seibiannau byr, gofal seibiant a gofal amgen.
  • Cymorthfeydd cyngor cyfreithiol misol am ddim.


Find out more about the service through the downloadable leaflet / Dysgwch fwy am y gwasanaeth trwy’r daflen y gellir ei lawrlwytho

Access the service via our online referral form / Cyrchwch y gwasanaeth trwy ein ffurflen atgyfeirio ar-lein

Or call 0300 0200 002 or email / Neu ffoniwch 0300 0200 002 neu e-bostiwch

Freshers Week in Carmarthenshire

Freshers Week in Carmarthenshire

As young people across the country prepare to embark on the next chapter of their lives for college or university, young carers face unique challenges in balancing their academic ambitions with their caring responsibilities. Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales steps up to support these young carers, offering essential guidance, arranging continuing support information as they make the significant transition into further and higher education.

During Freshers Week, our entire team was present at colleges and universities across Carmarthenshire to connect with new and returning students who may be young carers. We aim to ensure that young carers are identified early, feel welcomed, supported, and informed about the assistance available to them during their studies.

Relocating for uni

Moving away to university is a significant milestone, but it can also be a time of uncertainty, particularly for young carers who are used to balancing their education with caring responsibilities at home. Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales understands the complex pressures young carers face and is dedicated to providing practical solutions to help them succeed in this new environment and offer peace of mind of support available for the family remaining at home.

Our experienced staff are equipped to engage directly with young carers at Freshers Fairs, answering questions, offering information and resources, and helping to identify specific support services that can make their university experience smoother.

Collaborating with Education Establishments

Our commitment to young carers goes beyond Freshers’ Week. Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales actively collaborates with schools, colleges and universities on an ongoing basis.  We regularly engage with teaching staff, student support services, and key establishment members. These interactions are vital for ensuring that young carers are identified early, allowing them to access the help they need before they become overwhelmed.

Through our outreach programmes and staff training sessions, we equip others with the tools to identify, support and refer these students on. Whether it’s by identifying potential young carers in their classes or guiding them to relevant resources, education establishments play a crucial role in early identification, creating a supportive environment for young carers and helping them access additional support.

Future Frontline Professionals

In addition to working with education staff, Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales also reaches out to student teachers, nurses, and other future professionals. By raising awareness during their training, we aim to build a network of informed individuals who can identify and support young carers in their future careers.

This outreach is critical, as young carers often remain hidden within educational and healthcare settings, only being identified when their responsibilities begin to take a toll on their academic or personal well-being.

For more information about our services and how we support young carers, please visit our get in touch with our dedicated team. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of young carers across West Wales.

Supporting Young Carers in Education

Supporting Young Carers in Education

At Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales, we are incredibly proud of the work our dedicated Education Engagement Team is doing to support young carers across Carmarthenshire. Our two members of staff, Rhys and Clare, offer a two-pronged approach by embedding much-needed support into schools, colleges, and universities, ensuring that young carers receive the help they need to thrive in education.

Equipping Education Professionals

One of the key areas of our work is providing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training to all education practitioners. Our training focuses on the unique challenges young carers face in balancing their caring responsibilities with their education. Using the latest Welsh statistics, we highlight how these responsibilities can affect attendance, academic performance, and overall wellbeing. By raising awareness, we help staff understand the needs of young carers, enabling them to provide appropriate support and create a more inclusive learning environment.

Empowering Young Carers

In addition to working with staff, Rhys and Clare along with other team members, directly engage with students and pupils through assemblies, class presentations, and school clubs. Our aim is to help young people self-identify as carers and connect them with the support they need. Many young carers do not recognise their role or the impact it has on their daily lives. By offering information and guidance in a safe, supportive space, we empower these students to seek help early. Once identified, they are connected with a dedicated keyworker who provides personalised, ongoing support tailored to their individual circumstances.

Setting an Example for Other Regions

Our service is making a significant difference in the lives of young carers in Carmarthenshire. By embedding this essential support within educational establishments, we are creating a model that other regions could benefit from. Early identification and targeted assistance are key to ensuring that young carers can succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales is proud to be at the forefront of this effort, working closely with schools and colleges to ensure that no young carer is left behind.

We believe that this integrated approach not only improves outcomes for young carers but also serves as an exemplary model that other areas across Wales—and beyond—can follow.

For more information about our work or to discuss how we can support your educational institution, please get in touch with our team today. Together, we can make a real difference for young carers.

Infographic of Education Engagement Impact 23/24Our Impact

During the 2023/2024 academic year, Rhys and Clare engaged with 3,000 young people, offering them vital support, resources, and opportunities. Notably, after an engagement session 10% identified as young carers, reflecting our commitment to reaching and supporting this often underrepresented group.

By addressing their specific needs and challenges, we will empower young carers to manage their responsibilities while also focusing on their personal development, education, and well-being. Our engagement with these young people highlights the importance of inclusive programmes that cater to diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Young Carers Festival 2024

Young Carers Shine at the 2024 Young Carers Festival in Wales

A group of dedicated young carers from our community recently had the opportunity to attend the annual Young Carers Festival 2024, held in Llanelwedd at the Royal Welsh Showground. The event, which took place over the weekend, brought together young carers from across Wales for a celebration of their hard work and resilience. Although the festival included camping for several groups, our attendees participated on August 21st as day visitors, allowing them to experience the highlights of the event while returning home the same day.

A Day of Fun, Learning, and Connection

Despite attending for just one day, the experience was packed with engaging activities, workshops, and entertainment tailored to meet the needs of young carers. From outdoor challenges to creative arts sessions, the festival provided our young carers with a much-needed break and the chance to be around others who share similar life experiences.

Empowering Young Carers

In addition to the activities, the festival included informative sessions aimed at empowering young carers and giving them a voice. Workshops focused on mental health, self-care, and practical skills were a key part of the event. Although our group’s time at the festival was brief, they still took part in discussions about the challenges they face and what support they need. Topics such as better access to mental health resources and improved respite services were emphasised.

Building Connections and Community

The festival was more than just a break from daily responsibilities — it was an opportunity to connect with others who understand the unique challenges of being a young carer. While our group couldn’t stay overnight, the bonds they formed and the shared sense of community left a lasting impression.
Youth worker Michael, who accompanied the group, remarked, “Even though we could only attend for a day, the young carers had an amazing time. It’s important for them to know they’re not alone and that there’s a whole community of people who understand what they’re going through. Events like this help build their confidence and show them how much they’re valued.”

Looking Forward

The 2024 Young Carers Festival may have only been a single day for our group, but its impact will be long-lasting. The attendees returned home with new friendships, positive memories, and a renewed sense of belonging. Our community is proud of these young carers and appreciates the support that events like this provide.

As the role of young carers continues to be recognised, the festival highlighted the ongoing need for increased resources and better support. While our young carers face many challenges, their determination and strength were evident at this year’s festival, reminding us of the importance of continuing to champion their needs and celebrate their contributions.

Young Carers Club Creates Slime and Friendships at Bwlch

A group of young people around a table creating craftsYoung Carers Club Creates Slime and Friendships at Bwlch

At the Carmarthenshire Crossroads Young Carers Service, we are always delighted to share the wonderful activities and events our young carers participate in. Recently, a small group of our young carers attended the Young Carers Club at Bwlch, and the evening was filled with creativity and laughter.

Joined by the Reaching Wider Team, our young carers engaged in a fun and interactive slime-making activity. These activities are always a hit, providing a much-needed break and a chance for the young carers to relax and enjoy themselves. It was heart-warming to see everyone having so much fun, staff included.

More importantly, these sessions are a valuable opportunity for young carers from around Carmarthenshire to form strong friendships and support networks. These bonds are essential for their well-being, offering emotional support and a sense of community among peers who understand their unique challenges.

After the club, we received a lovely message from a parent that truly warmed our hearts:
“[young person] loved club tonight. Thank you.”

We are incredibly proud of our young carers and grateful for the support from the Reaching Wider Team and the broader community. Together, we can continue to make a positive impact on the lives of these remarkable young people.

The Carmarthenshire Crossroads Young Carers Service is dedicated to providing young carers with the support they need. Young carers often take on significant responsibilities at home, which can be overwhelming. Our service offers them a safe space to unwind, connect with others, and enjoy their childhood.

National Lottery logo Cronfa Gymunedol Community Fund
Proudly supported by The National Lottery Community Fund
National Lottery logo Cronfa Gymunedol Community Fund
funded by BBC Children in Need

NewsFlash – Summer 2024 – Issue 5

Summer 2024 – Carers Newsflash – Issue 5

Dear Valued Carers,

As the warm days of summer unfold, we are delighted to welcome you to our latest edition of the Carmarthenshire Carers Newsflash, specifically for our dedicated community of unpaid carers. This season is not just about sunshine and relaxation, but also about recognising and celebrating the incredible efforts and selfless dedication you bring into the lives of those you care for every day.

In this edition, you’ll find:

  • Carers UK Carers Week 2024 report – ‘No Choice but to Care’
  • Carer Survey – tell us what’s important to you and help shape the West Wales Carers Strategy 2025-2030.
  • Community Events, Resources & Support: Information on some virtual and in-person events and information on support services and resources available to you.

We understand that caring can be a demanding journey, often filled with both rewarding and challenging moments. Our goal with this newsletter is to provide you with valuable information, and useful resources to help you navigate your caring journey.

Thank you for all that you do. Your dedication makes a profound difference in the lives of those you care for, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Wishing you a restful and joyful summer,

Best wishes from all at

Carer Trust Crossroads West Wales

Putting Carers on the Map – Carers Week 2024

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face, and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. It also helps people who don’t think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support. Carers Week is led by Carers UK with the support of a number of other charities. This year we celebrated Carers Week 10th – 16th June and helped to ‘Put Carers on the Map’ in Carmarthenshire with an informative and […]

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Carers Strategy Survey 2024

The West Wales Regional Partnership Board (WWRPB) has launched a new survey to gather your views on support for carers in West Wales. The survey is aimed for those who provide care for a person, have previously provided care, or an organisation which supports carers. Your views on the services in West Wales will inform the Carers Strategy 2025 – 2030, which guides and prioritises the work that is required across West Wales. The survey is completely anonymous. Share your views and take the survey by clicking here.

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No choice but to care – Carers Week Report 2024

Carers UK carry out an annual survey into caring and this year their  No choice but to care report was published on the first day of Carers Week 2024.

The report found that 62% of those who are currently providing or those who have previously provided unpaid care said that they had no choice in taking on the role because no other care options were available – this is around 10 million adults.

While caring can be rewarding, the impact of providing unpaid care has been more negative than positive for all areas current and former […]

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A fond farewell and a new appointment

It is with a heavy heart that, after ten years of dedicated service, we say goodbye to our Service Development Manager, Joanne Silverthorne, who has been an integral part of our team at Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales and her departure marks the end of a remarkable chapter for our organisation.

Jo’s journey with us began after her pivotal role in establishing the Carers Information Service in Carmarthenshire during her seven years at CAVS.

When she transitioned to Crossroads, it was truly our gain. Her personal experience as a Parent Carer fuelled her passion and commitment, infusing […]

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Active Monitoring MIND posterFREE Carmarthen Mental health service – Pembrokeshire and Carmarthen MIND

Through our six-week, guided self-help programme, we provide clients with the tips and tools to understand themselves better.  We provide workbooks and activities by email or through the post and keep in touch weekly to listen, talk things through and cheer them on!

Delivered face-to-face, digitally, over the telephone or online. The course can be accessed by self-referral or referral by a health practitioner.  Active Monitoring Support can be accessed within the week, so there’s […]

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ACTIF Sports and Leisure – FREE 3 months

ACTIF Sports and Leisure – FREE 3 months

As an unpaid carer you could be eligible for a FREE 3 month membership.

This would entitle you to use all of Actif Sport and Leisure facilities.

Don’t miss our – limited membership available! The membership includes individual use of: Gym Fitness classes Swimming (during public or lane sessions) Health suite Health checks Exercise programmes

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Carers Wales – Me Time

Me Time – Online support sessions for Carers – June to July

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Dementia support in and around Ammanford

Are you looking for other people with dementia to talk to? There is a regular get-together for people, in and around Ammanford, who have a diagnosis of dementia, to: discuss our concerns together. share, learn from and support each other. just talk, be together and have fun! with tea, coffee, and biscuits.

Where: The Meeting Room Glanavon Retirement Housing, Park Street, Bettws, Ammanford, SA18 2EX.
When: Drop in Tuesday between 1pm and 3pm

Please email for further information, directions or to have a chat about what we can do together: Email:
We particularly need help from Cymro Cymreig and […]

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Dementia support with Admiral Nurses

Hywel Dda University Health Board, in partnership with Dementia UK, provide a specialist service for carers of people living with dementia who are experiencing difficulties as a result of their caring role. The team focus on delivering person–centred and relationship-centred dementia care.

The West Wales Admiral Nurse Service provides practical advice and emotional and psychological support from diagnosis to post-bereavement, helping people to learn coping strategies and come to terms with the diagnosis. The service can help carers to navigate health and social care systems; provide education on […]

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Working together to support Carers – Co production in action in Carmarthenshire County Council by Emma Taylor-Hill

A ‘Working Together to Support Carers conference’ was held recently in Carmarthenshire. The Head of Adult Social Care said Supporting Carers is a priority in Carmarthenshire and the local authority wants to ensure a co production approach is used to inform this work. The audience was made up from practitioners and carers. This included representatives from statutory and third sector services. The agenda included a series of presentations in the morning including: Welcome and introduction to the day by Avril Bracey (Head of […]

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Investors in Carers – Gold Award revalidated

Our CEO Alison Harries is very proud to receive a re-validated Investors in Carers Gold Award from Anna Bird – Assistant Director -Strategic Partnerships, Diversity & Inclusion at Hywel Dda Health Board “Supporting unpaid carers of all ages is the heart of who we are what we do” “Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales are delighted to have achieved our gold level revalidation, supporting unpaid carers of all ages is the heart of who we are and what we do therefore it is great that this has been recognised with this accreditation.  Credit goes […]

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Catalysts for Care – Drop in & find out more

Meet and chat to lots of service providers

Friday 12th July 2024 2:30 – 4:30pm

Ffrwnes Fach, Park Street, Llanelli, SA15 3YE

Free taster sessions including: Tai Chi & relaxation sessions, VR digital experience…

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Carers Wales – Roadshow in Carmarthen

When: Wednesday 17th July 2024, 11am -3pm
Where: The Taf Suite, Halliwell Conference Centre, University of Wales Trinity St Davids, Carmarthen

Join us at our in-person Roadshow in Carmarthen, where you can meet local carers and hear more about Carers Wales, our campaigns and support. There’ll be lots of opportunities to chat to Carers Wales staff, ask questions and get information and support.

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Llais Cymru – June 2024 update

Llais is the national, independent body set up by the Welsh Government to give the people of Wales a stronger voice in their health and social care services. You can find out more about us by visiting This is what we have been up over the past few months: Asking your opinion – We have been asking the public how waiting for treatment has affects their lives daily.

What we have done – We have completed projects on A + E and Living Happier and Healthier within the community and those reports will […]

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Care and Repair – Managing Better

Care and Repair offer a Managing Better service

Managing Better is a free home visiting service offering advice and practical help for people over the age of 50 who have hearing loss, sight loss, dementia, or have had a stroke.

How we can help you: […]

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Carers Support West Wales

During Carers Week 2024, the Carers Support West Wales team shared their latest promotional bilingual videos promoting the services available on their regional website, Carers Support West Wales (CSWW). The CSWW website supports the provision and accessibility of consistent carer specific information, assistance and advice for unpaid carers in the three counties.

CSWW is divided into three distinct sections, allowing carers to easily navigate the platform and explore information locally and regionally. On the ‘My Community’ section, carers will find local offers, promotions and discounts that can support them in their caring role in their community. […]

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Carer’s Groups, Information Drop-In & Peer Support – Adferiad

Do you care for a family member, friend, or neighbour?

Would you like to meet up with people in a similar situation? Join our friendly group for a cuppa and a chat where you can access information & advice from our staff on how we can support you as a carer.

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How can Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales support unpaid carers?

  • Carers Newsflash – quarterly e-bulletin updates
  • Crossroads Care – Replacement Care and Regulated Care – providing carers with a break from their caring role.
  • Young Carers Support Service – one-to-one support, workshops, training, group peer support, clubs, and activities for carers age 5 – 25 years.
  • CATCHUP Welfare Benefits Advice Service – benefit advice, checks, form filling and Appeal Tribunal Representation.
  • Hospital Discharge Support Service – help with communication with medical staff when the person you care for is in hospital and support to help carers understand their rights and to be involved in discharge planning.
  • Community Discharge Support Service – help with communication with staff when the person you care for is in a community hospital or temporary care facility and follow-up post discharge support for carers and family members to ensure a smooth transition from hospital to home.
  • Money Matters Service – help to maximise income, improve budgeting skills, access to workshops, access to carer grants, discounts, and concessions.
  • Independent Professional Advocacy as part of the 3CIPA Service – advising carers of their rights, support during assessments and/or care planning reviews, complaints, and safeguarding concerns.
  • Time Together Project – offering a range of short break options for carers along with wellbeing activities for carers and the person they care for.
  • FREE Legal Advice Surgeries – in partnership with NewLaw Solicitors who offer free confidential advice on issues such as Lasting Power of Attorney, Court of Protection & Deputyship, Will & Trust Funds, Protection of Assets, etc.

Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Helplines

Mental Health Helpline for Wales 24-hour helpline 0800 132 737
Or text help to 81066
Age Cymru Mental Health Support 08000 223444
Carmarthenshire Community Mental Health Team 01267 236017
Mind Info Line 0300 123 3393
Samaritans 116 123

Useful Contacts

Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales 0300 0200 002
West Wales Action for Mental Health 01267 245572
Stroke Association 07799 436050
Age Cymru Dyfed 03333 447 874
Alzheimers Society 0333 150 3456
Care & Repair 01554 744300
Adferiad Carers Information Service 0333 121 1332
Delta Wellbeing 0300 3332222
Macmillan Cancer Information Service 01267 227904
West Wales Carers Support
Citizens Advice Bureau 01267 234488 / 01269 569267 / 01554 759 626
Advocacy West Wales 01267 223197
Carmarthen Mind 01267 222990
Llanelli Mind 01554 752751
Links 01554 757957
Versus Arthritis 0800 7563970
Carers UK Helpline 0808 808 7777
Connecting Carmarthenshire 0800 917 6255

A fond farewell and a new appointment

Portrait photo of Jo SilverthorneA fond farewell

It is with a heavy heart that, after ten years of dedicated service, we say goodbye to our Service Development Manager, Joanne Silverthorne, who has been an integral part of our team at Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales and her departure marks the end of a remarkable chapter for our organisation.

Jo’s journey with us began after her pivotal role in establishing the Carers Information Service in Carmarthenshire during her seven years at CAVS. When she transitioned to Crossroads, it was truly our gain.

During her tenure, Jo was instrumental in developing vital services for children with disabilities. She spearheaded initiatives such as Saturday Clubs, Summer Clubs, and the Moments Clubs, ensuring that children who could not engage in mainstream activities had their own inclusive spaces. Her efforts have been transformative, providing joy, support, and a sense of belonging to countless children and their families.

Jo also took the lead in developing of our Carer Support Services, enhancing the support offered to carers in West Wales, ensuring that carers and the people they care for are at the heart of everything we do.

After 10 years with Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales and a secondment to Carers Trust Wales, Jo’s departure is a significant loss for us, but we take comfort in knowing that her impact will continue in her new role with the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales as Head of Advice and Assistance. While she will be greatly missed, Jo will always remain a dear friend to Carers in Carmarthenshire.

We wish Jo all the best in her new role and extend our heartfelt thanks for her unwavering dedication and invaluable contributions. Pob lwc, Jo!

Welcome to our new colleague

A warm welcome from Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales to our newest team member Kayleigh Hiorns.

Kayleigh joined our Money Matters Team in April 2024 as our new Financial Wellbeing Officer and brings a wealth of knowledge to the team.

No choice but to care – Carers Week Report 2024

A list of logos of organisationsNo choice but to care

Carers UK carry out an annual survey into caring and this year their  No choice but to care report was published on the first day of Carers Week 2024. The report found that 62% of those who are currently providing or those who have previously provided unpaid care said that they had no choice in taking on the role because no other care options were available – this is around 10 million adults.

While caring can be rewarding, the impact of providing unpaid care has been more negative than positive for all areas current and former unpaid carers were asked about, particularly for mental health (63%), physical health (53%), Job and ability to work (48%) and finances and savings (47%). The negative impacts as a result of caring were also felt most strongly by those who had no choice but to take on an unpaid caring role as well as women and those aged 45-54.

Ahead of the UK General Election, the research also found that 73% of members of the public surveyed for the research think that unpaid carers should receive more support from the next Government, particularly financial support and investment in social care.

Helen Walker, chief executive at Carers UK said:

“These findings demonstrate how caring can have a profound effect on every aspect of life and wellbeing, from mental and physical health, being able to work, or affecting their future income including pensions. That’s why we need to see a future Government deliver action across Government, in the form of a National Carers Strategy. With an ageing population, this is becoming ever more important.

“Carers Week is an important annual opportunity to ‘put carers on the map’. We want unpaid carers to know they are not forgotten, and they are not alone. Many are at breaking point, facing huge challenges with their caring responsibilities. On top of this they are struggling to manage their own health and wellbeing. Carers are worried about their long-term health, security and ability to care in the future.”

You can read the full report here:

Llais Cymru – June 2024 update

Llais logo - Your voice in health and social care

Llais Cymru – June 2024 update

Llais is the national, independent body set up by the Welsh Government to give the people of Wales a stronger voice in their health and social care services. You can find out more about us by visiting

This is what we have been up over the past few months:

Asking your opinion – We have been asking the public how waiting for treatment has affects their lives daily.

What we have done – We have completed projects on A + E and Living Happier and Healthier within the community and those reports will be published soon. We also completed the Wayfinding project, and we are happy to say that we are working with the Health Board with some positive developments for patients.

Where have we been – We have spoken to clients at Links Llanelli, the Mental Health Recovering Gathering, Carmarthenshire Carers Support Services at carers week and Myrtle House Community Food Bank and have made representations which have resulted in a better, more positive experience for service users.

Where are we going?

During the month of July, we are:

  • Attending the Carmarthenshire Carers Forum
  • Attending Pride at Llanelli and Pembrokeshire
  • Representing Llais at the Royal Welsh Show

If you would like to share your Health and Social care experience with us, please contact us via

ACTIF Sports and Leisure – FREE 3 months

ACTIF Sports and Leisure – FREE 3 months

As an unpaid carer you could be eligible for a FREE 3 month membership.  This would entitle you to use all of Actif Sport and Leisure facilities. Don’t miss our – limited membership available!

The membership includes individual use of:

  • Gym
  • Fitness classes
  • Swimming (during public or lane sessions)
  • Health suite
  • Health checks
  • Exercise programmes

Poster for Actif Leisure

Llanelli Office

The Palms Unit 3
96 Queen Victoria Road
SA15 2TH
0300 0200 002

Registered charity No. 1121666
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Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 6199277