Carers Wales – Me Time

Me Time – Online support sessions for Carers – June to July

Monday 1st July – 2-3pm: Book Club

Come along to our informal and relaxed Book Club session! The session is a chance for carers to get together and take some time for themselves, have a chat with like-minded people and share the escapism of getting lost in a good book. If it is your first session, just bring your favourite book, we’d love to hear a bit about why it’s your favourite.

Wednesday 10th July – 11am-12pm: Getting the most out of your Carers Assessment.

Come and join our I&A Officer Nia Constant who will explain how to get the most out of your Carers Needs Assessment.

Monday 15 July 1.30-2.30pm: Caregiving – how to avoid burnout with Hazel Carter

An informative and thought provoking talk from award winning author Hazel Carter. Being an unpaid carer for a loved one is one of the hardest jobs in the world, especially if that loved one has a terminal or rapidly progressing condition.

Tuesday 16th July – 1-2pm: Crafty Catch Up

Join this online session to meet other carers whilst working on your latest craft project. Whether it is knitting, crochet, diamond dot art, card making, quilling, rock painting, jewellery making or simply anything you enjoy making. This session is informal and a chance to chat, create and connect with other carers.

Thursday 18th July – 11- 12pm: Could you be a Digital Champion?

Would you like the opportunity to upskill your digital know how? To find out more, why not join Carers Wales Me Time session with Digital Communities Wales. The session will explore the importance of Digital Champions and how they can support people across communities in Wales with their digital skills and overcome barriers to digital inclusion.

To Register:

Putting Carers on the Map – Carers Week 2024

Putting Carers on the Map – Carers Week 2024

Putting carers on the map

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face, and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. It also helps people who don’t think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support. Carers Week is led by Carers UK with the support of a number of other charities.

This year we celebrated Carers Week 10th – 16th June and helped to ‘Put Carers on the Map’ in Carmarthenshire with an informative and relaxing day at Llanelli Library.

A warm welcome awaited carers who had the opportunity to chat to staff from 16 organisations and find out more about support available in their caring role. There was time for a friendly chat, cake and a cuppa as well as being introduced to two wonderful Carmarthenshire Therapy Dogs, Sheba and Marshall.

Carers also enjoyed a Creative Arts Workshop, Virtual Reality Demonstrations as well as having a de-stressing and soothing mini Thai Massage Therapy session from Services | Nuumam Thai Massage | Llanelli

A big thank you to all carers who attended, organisations who supported the event and Carmarthenshire County Council who funded the event.

Carmarthenshire County Council logo

Connecting Carmarthenshire logo



Carers Week event photo

Investors in Carers – Gold Award revalidated

Investors in Carers – Gold Award revalidated

Our CEO Alison Harries is very proud to receive a re-validated Investors in Carers Gold Award from Anna Bird – Assistant Director -Strategic Partnerships, Diversity & Inclusion at Hywel Dda Health Board “Supporting unpaid carers of all ages is the heart of who we are what we do”

“Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales are delighted to have achieved our gold level revalidation, supporting unpaid carers of all ages is the heart of who we are and what we do therefore it is great that this has been recognised with this accreditation.  Credit goes to all our staff in all they do for unpaid carers”

Care and Repair – Managing Better

Care and Repair offer a Managing Better service

Managing Better is a free home visiting service offering advice and practical help for people over the age of 50 who have hearing loss, sight loss, dementia, or have had a stroke.

How we can help you:

  • A free Healthy Home Check for your home
  • Check what benefits you’re entitled to and help you apply for them
  • Help you reduce risk of falls and injury at home
  • Help you access useful services and connect you with our partner agencies
  • Help to assist you to live independently and safely
  • Advise on technology to increase your independence, reduce loneliness and boost your confidence

Click here to find out more
Managing Better brochure cover

Dementia support in and around Ammanford

Are you looking for other people with dementia to talk to?

cartoon image of 4 character holding hands standing in a cirlce.There is a regular get-together for people, in and around Ammanford, who have a diagnosis of dementia, to:

  • discuss our concerns together.
  • share, learn from and support each other.
  • just talk, be together and have fun!
  • with tea, coffee, and biscuits.

Where: The Meeting Room Glanavon Retirement Housing, Park Street, Bettws, Ammanford, SA18 2EX.

When: Drop in Tuesday between 1pm and 3pm

Please email for further information, directions or to have a chat about what we can do together: Email:

We particularly need help from Cymro Cymreig and somebody who is keen on social media and blogging.

If you don’t have dementia but can help, please also get in touch.

Ydych chi’n chwilio am bobl eraill â dementia i siarad â nhw?

cartoon image of 4 character holding hands standing in a cirlce.Mae cyfarfod rheolaidd i bobl, yn Rhydaman a’r cyffiniau, sydd â diagnosis o ddementia, i:

  • trafod ein pryderon gyda’n gilydd.
  • rhannu, dysgu oddi wrth a chefnogi ei gilydd.
  • dim ond siarad, bod gyda’n gilydd ac efallai y byddwn yn cael hwyl hefyd!
  • cael te, coffi a bisgedi

Ble? Yr Ystafell Gyfarfod, Tai ymddeoliad Glanafon, Stryd y Parc, Bettws, Rhydaman, SA18 2EX.

Pryd? Dydd Mawrth, galw heibio rhwng 1pm a 3pm

Anfonwch e-bost ataf i gael rhagor o wybodaeth, cyfarwyddiadau teithio neu i gael sgwrs am yr hyn y gallwn ei wneud gyda’n gilydd: E-bost:

Mae angen help arbennig gan Gymro Cymraeg, a rhywun sy’n hoffi cyfryngau cymdeithasol a blogio.

Os nad oes gennych ddementia ond y gallwch chi helpu, cysylltwch â ni hefyd.

Carers Wales – Roadshow in Carmarthen

Carers Wales – Roadshow in Carmarthen

Carers Wales Roadshow banner

When: Wednesday 17th July 2024, 11am -3pm

Where: The Taf Suite, Halliwell Conference Centre, University of Wales Trinity St Davids, College Road, Carmarthen, SA31 3EP

Join us at our in-person Roadshow in Carmarthen, where you can meet local carers and hear more about Carers Wales, our campaigns and support.

There’ll be lots of opportunities to chat to Carers Wales staff, ask questions and get information and support.

Register your interest here



Carers Wales logo

Working together to support Carers – Co production in action in Carmarthenshire County Council by Emma Taylor-Hill

Working together to support Carers – Co production in action in Carmarthenshire County Council by Emma Taylor-Hill

Aerial view of a group of people around round tables working together.A ‘Working Together to Support Carers conference’ was held recently in Carmarthenshire. The Head of Adult Social Care said Supporting Carers is a priority in Carmarthenshire and the local authority wants to ensure a co production approach is used to inform this work.

The audience was made up from practitioners and carers. This included representatives from statutory and third sector services. The agenda included a series of presentations in the morning including:

  • Welcome and introduction to the day by Avril Bracey (Head of Adult Social Care, Carmarthenshire County Council) and Nick Andrews from Developing Evidence Enriched Practice (DEEP)
  • A video message from Luke Clements on the legislative and policy context
  • Information about the experiences of carers from Claire Morgan (Director of Carers Wales)
  • Reflection from a social worker about his work with a carer

In the afternoon, guests were able to join tables for discussions on different topics. This included:

  • Early support
  • Information/advice and assistance
  • Carers assessments
  • Respite/short breaks/direct payments.
  • Impact of the cost-of-living crisis on carers

Discussions were captured and will be collated to inform strategies in Carmarthenshire including the developing prevention strategy. This was a wonderful example of co-production and the day enabled qualitative information to be gathered, so that the voices of carers could be included in planning for support provision.

One theme that kept emerging throughout the day was the importance of relationship-based practice and how this can support a better understanding of those with caring responsibilities and their needs. It was evident that there is complexity within families with multiple carers and in some cases, this was not always being recognized and supported. It was suggested that there needs to be more of a proactive approach in identifying those with caring responsibilities who may benefit from assessment.

There was a great deal of discussion about the need for short breaks to be bespoke and in line with what matters for both the carer and the person with care and support needs. There were also suggestions for direct payments to be used flexibly and creatively to ensure a person-centred approach.

Feedback from carers was positive and there are plans to hold a similar event next year

If you would like to find out more about this topic, please have a look at the Welsh Government annual report for 2023 on the delivery plan for unpaid carers:

Unpaid carers delivery plan annual report 2023,



Carer’s Groups, Information Drop-In & Peer Support – Adferiad

Carer’s Groups, Information Drop-In & Peer Support

Do you care for a family member, friend, or neighbour?
Would you like to meet up with people in a similar situation?
Join our friendly group for a cuppa and a chat where you can access
information & advice from our staff on how we can support you as a carer.

Details of the drop in sessions

Adferiad Carer Groups CCISS Flyer

Catalysts for Care – Drop in & find out more

Poster advertising event on Friday 12th July 2024, from 2:0-4:30pm at Ffrwnes Fach

Meet and chat to lots of service providers

Friday 12th July 2024

2:30 – 4:30pm

Ffrwnes Fach, Park Street, Llanelli, SA15 3YE

Free taster sessions including:

  • Tai Chi & relaxation sessions
  • VR digital experience
  • Dementia awareness sessions
  • Seated exercise

For more information call Lucy on 07789 793228 or

Carers Support West Wales

Carers Support West Wales

During Carers Week 2024, the Carers Support West Wales team shared their latest promotional bilingual videos promoting the services available on their regional website, Carers Support West Wales (CSWW).

The CSWW website supports the provision and accessibility of consistent carer specific information, assistance and advice for unpaid carers in the three counties. CSWW is divided into three distinct sections, allowing carers to easily navigate the platform and explore information locally and regionally.

  • On the ‘My Community’ section, carers will find local offers, promotions and discounts that can support them in their caring role in their community. An interactive map provides a quick visualisation of any activities close by as well as the relevant contact details.
  • The ‘Support’ section provides support that is felt could benefit them as a carer such as how to register as an unpaid carer with your GP and how to register for a Carers Recognition Card. Using a filter system to navigate this, carers are able to search several local and national organisations to find the information they need.
  • The ‘News’ section shares essential information that is timely and relevant, from a list of support with cost-of-living crisis to Carers magazines providing local and national information that may be useful to carers and professionals.

For more information, please visit or contact

The Carers Support West Wales website is a one stop shop for unpaid carers offering a quick and easy way to find carer specific information in the three counties. Carers Support West Wales is divided into three distinct sections, ‘News’, ‘My Community’ and ‘Support’, allowing carers and professionals to easily navigate the platform and explore information locally and regionally.

Llanelli Office

The Palms Unit 3
96 Queen Victoria Road
SA15 2TH
0300 0200 002

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Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 6199277