Carer Support Pembrokeshire LAUNCHED

Launch Day banner

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the new Carers Support Pembrokeshire – a dedicate resource designed to support carers in our community providing information, advice and support for carers in Pembrokeshire.

Our new service offers:

  • Expert Guidance: We offer tailored one-to-one support from experienced professionals on managing your caring responsibilities.
  • Resources and Tools:  Access a wide range of helpful materials, including guides, local services, and financial support information.
  • Support Networks: Connect with other carers and discover local support groups, training, and events tailored to your needs.
  • Carers Grants
  • Short breaks, respite and replacement care
  • Free monthly legal advice surgeries

Rydym wrth ein bodd yn cyhoeddi lansiad gwasanaeth newydd Cymorth i Ofalwyr Sir Benfro – adnodd pwrpasol a gynlluniwyd i gynorthwyo gofalwyr yn ein cymuned, trwy ddarparu gwybodaeth, cyngor a chymorth i ofalwyr yn Sir Benfro.

Mae ein gwasanaeth newydd yn cynnig:

  • Arweiniad Arbenigol: Rydym yn cynnig cymorth un i un wedi’i deilwra gan weithwyr proffesiynol profiadol ar reoli eich cyfrifoldebau gofalu.
  • Adnoddau ac Offer:  Gallwch gyrchu ystod eang o ddeunyddiau defnyddiol, gan gynnwys canllawiau, gwasanaethau lleol, a gwybodaeth am gymorth ariannol.
  • Rhwydweithiau Cymorth: Cewch gysylltu â gofalwyr eraill a darganfod grwpiau cymorth, hyfforddiant, a digwyddiadau lleol wedi’u teilwra i’ch anghenion.
  • Grantiau Gofalwyr.
  • Seibiannau byr, gofal seibiant a gofal amgen.
  • Cymorthfeydd cyngor cyfreithiol misol am ddim.


Find out more about the service through the downloadable leaflet / Dysgwch fwy am y gwasanaeth trwy’r daflen y gellir ei lawrlwytho

Access the service via our online referral form / Cyrchwch y gwasanaeth trwy ein ffurflen atgyfeirio ar-lein

Or call 0300 0200 002 or email / Neu ffoniwch 0300 0200 002 neu e-bostiwch

Freshers Week in Carmarthenshire

Freshers Week in Carmarthenshire

As young people across the country prepare to embark on the next chapter of their lives for college or university, young carers face unique challenges in balancing their academic ambitions with their caring responsibilities. Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales steps up to support these young carers, offering essential guidance, arranging continuing support information as they make the significant transition into further and higher education.

During Freshers Week, our entire team was present at colleges and universities across Carmarthenshire to connect with new and returning students who may be young carers. We aim to ensure that young carers are identified early, feel welcomed, supported, and informed about the assistance available to them during their studies.

Relocating for uni

Moving away to university is a significant milestone, but it can also be a time of uncertainty, particularly for young carers who are used to balancing their education with caring responsibilities at home. Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales understands the complex pressures young carers face and is dedicated to providing practical solutions to help them succeed in this new environment and offer peace of mind of support available for the family remaining at home.

Our experienced staff are equipped to engage directly with young carers at Freshers Fairs, answering questions, offering information and resources, and helping to identify specific support services that can make their university experience smoother.

Collaborating with Education Establishments

Our commitment to young carers goes beyond Freshers’ Week. Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales actively collaborates with schools, colleges and universities on an ongoing basis.  We regularly engage with teaching staff, student support services, and key establishment members. These interactions are vital for ensuring that young carers are identified early, allowing them to access the help they need before they become overwhelmed.

Through our outreach programmes and staff training sessions, we equip others with the tools to identify, support and refer these students on. Whether it’s by identifying potential young carers in their classes or guiding them to relevant resources, education establishments play a crucial role in early identification, creating a supportive environment for young carers and helping them access additional support.

Future Frontline Professionals

In addition to working with education staff, Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales also reaches out to student teachers, nurses, and other future professionals. By raising awareness during their training, we aim to build a network of informed individuals who can identify and support young carers in their future careers.

This outreach is critical, as young carers often remain hidden within educational and healthcare settings, only being identified when their responsibilities begin to take a toll on their academic or personal well-being.

For more information about our services and how we support young carers, please visit our get in touch with our dedicated team. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of young carers across West Wales.

Supporting Young Carers in Education

Supporting Young Carers in Education

At Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales, we are incredibly proud of the work our dedicated Education Engagement Team is doing to support young carers across Carmarthenshire. Our two members of staff, Rhys and Clare, offer a two-pronged approach by embedding much-needed support into schools, colleges, and universities, ensuring that young carers receive the help they need to thrive in education.

Equipping Education Professionals

One of the key areas of our work is providing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training to all education practitioners. Our training focuses on the unique challenges young carers face in balancing their caring responsibilities with their education. Using the latest Welsh statistics, we highlight how these responsibilities can affect attendance, academic performance, and overall wellbeing. By raising awareness, we help staff understand the needs of young carers, enabling them to provide appropriate support and create a more inclusive learning environment.

Empowering Young Carers

In addition to working with staff, Rhys and Clare along with other team members, directly engage with students and pupils through assemblies, class presentations, and school clubs. Our aim is to help young people self-identify as carers and connect them with the support they need. Many young carers do not recognise their role or the impact it has on their daily lives. By offering information and guidance in a safe, supportive space, we empower these students to seek help early. Once identified, they are connected with a dedicated keyworker who provides personalised, ongoing support tailored to their individual circumstances.

Setting an Example for Other Regions

Our service is making a significant difference in the lives of young carers in Carmarthenshire. By embedding this essential support within educational establishments, we are creating a model that other regions could benefit from. Early identification and targeted assistance are key to ensuring that young carers can succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales is proud to be at the forefront of this effort, working closely with schools and colleges to ensure that no young carer is left behind.

We believe that this integrated approach not only improves outcomes for young carers but also serves as an exemplary model that other areas across Wales—and beyond—can follow.

For more information about our work or to discuss how we can support your educational institution, please get in touch with our team today. Together, we can make a real difference for young carers.

Infographic of Education Engagement Impact 23/24Our Impact

During the 2023/2024 academic year, Rhys and Clare engaged with 3,000 young people, offering them vital support, resources, and opportunities. Notably, after an engagement session 10% identified as young carers, reflecting our commitment to reaching and supporting this often underrepresented group.

By addressing their specific needs and challenges, we will empower young carers to manage their responsibilities while also focusing on their personal development, education, and well-being. Our engagement with these young people highlights the importance of inclusive programmes that cater to diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Young Adult Carers Visit to the Royal Welsh Show: A Day of Discovery and Fun

Young Adult Carers Visit to the Royal Welsh Show: A Day of Discovery and Fun

On July 24th, seven Young Adult Carers (YACs) aged 16-22 had the opportunity to visit the Royal Welsh Show Ground in Builth Wells. This event, known for its grand displays of agriculture, livestock, and rural life, offered our young carers a much-needed break from their demanding responsibilities. Accompanied by three staff members, the YACs embarked on what turned out to be a memorable and enriching experience.

The day began early, with the first pick-up at 7:25 a.m., requiring our staff to leave home even earlier. For some, this early start was challenging, but the anticipation of the day ahead kept spirits high. The journey was long, and the last of the group didn’t return home until after 7 p.m., making it a full day out for everyone involved.

Despite the early start and long day, the weather was kind to us. The day was mostly dry and warm, creating the perfect conditions to explore the vast array of outdoor attractions at the show. Upon arrival, the sheer scale of the event left many of the YACs in awe. The Royal Welsh Show is renowned for its expansive grounds filled with activities and exhibits, and it didn’t disappoint.

Throughout the day, the YACs experienced a variety of displays, including tractor shows, dog obedience demonstrations, and an array of livestock exhibitions. They marveled at the sight of cows with their calves, sheep with their lambs, and the impressive prize bulls. The show ponies and horses also captivated the group, as did the abundance of other rural attractions that highlighted the rich agricultural heritage of Wales.

A professional cameraman accompanied our group to capture these moments, helping us document the experiences of young carers. This footage will be valuable in raising awareness about the challenges these young people face and the importance of providing them with opportunities to enjoy life beyond their caring roles.

After overcoming the initial overwhelm of the event’s scale, the YACs quickly relaxed and made the most of their day. The event provided not just entertainment but also a sense of escape and enjoyment, which is so vital for young carers who often carry heavy responsibilities at home.

In all, the trip to the Royal Welsh Show was a resounding success. It was a day filled with laughter, learning, and relaxation—a perfect reminder of the joy that can be found in taking a break and experiencing something new.

A huge thank you to the Royal Welsh for the generosity in providing the tickets.  Crest logo of RWAS

ITV – Wales this Week: Too Young to Care?

ITV – Wales this Week: Too Young to Care?

We are proud to announce that a young carer from Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales featured in ITV’s weekly Wales this Week show called “Too Young to Care?”. The show sheds light on the reality that more than 11,000 children in Wales care for a family member. The latest episode highlights the immense responsibilities these young carers shoulder and the urgent need for more support to ease their burden and safeguard their wellbeing.
At Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales, through our Young Carers Service we support children and young people with 1:1 support, opportunities to meet other young carers, and attend trips and activities that might otherwise be unavailable to them. Since 2015 we have supported almost 1000 children and young people in Carmarthenshire. We believe that children and young people need time away from their caring role to be children, decompress, and thrive.
Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, our service is crucial for these young carers. However, this funding expires next year. The show underscores the importance of continued support and investment to ensure these young carers can continue receiving the help they need.
Tune in to ITV to watch these inspiring young individuals share their stories and advocate for much-needed change.Wales this week: Too young to care

Investors in Carers – Gold Award revalidated

Investors in Carers – Gold Award revalidated

Our CEO Alison Harries is very proud to receive a re-validated Investors in Carers Gold Award from Anna Bird – Assistant Director -Strategic Partnerships, Diversity & Inclusion at Hywel Dda Health Board “Supporting unpaid carers of all ages is the heart of who we are what we do”

“Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales are delighted to have achieved our gold level revalidation, supporting unpaid carers of all ages is the heart of who we are and what we do therefore it is great that this has been recognised with this accreditation.  Credit goes to all our staff in all they do for unpaid carers”

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Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 6199277