HRH The Princess Royal meets carers from West Wales at Carers Trust Conference

Carers Trust President, HRH The Princess Royal, met unpaid carers from West Wales at the Short Breaks Conference on Thursday 3 October.


Carers Trust President, HRH The Princess Royal, meets carers at the Short Breaks Conference in Cardiff.

Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales, along with other caring organisations and unpaid carers, attended the conference at the Glamorgan County Cricket Club in Cardiff, organised by Carers Trust Wales. The conference highlighted the impact of the Short Breaks Scheme, which provides an opportunity for unpaid carers to have a short break away from their caring role.

Kate Cubbage, Director Carers Trust Wales, says, “Unpaid carers play a vital role supporting family members, friends and neighbours. Our fragile health and social care system is reliant on the often selfless contribution of carers. I am delighted that our President, HRH The Princess Royal, met and spoke with many of the organisations delivering the Short Breaks Scheme, a scheme that is essential to sustaining carers in the crucial role they play in communities across Wales. Carers who have benefited from a short break also had the opportunity to meet with Her Royal Highness to share the difference taking a short break had made to them and those they care for.”

Kate continues, “There are over 310,000 unpaid carers in Wales. Their commitment is often unseen and undervalued. We welcomed the opportunity for HRH The Princess Royal to hear how the Short Breaks Scheme has made a bold start in helping to transform their lives.”

Minister for Children and Social Care, Dawn Bowden said: “It was an honour to speak at the Carers Trust Short Breaks conference and hear from unpaid carers who have benefitted from our Short Breaks scheme. We highly value the vital role that unpaid carers play in our communities. Our £9m investment reflects our commitment to have additional opportunities for unpaid carers across Wales to take a break from their caring roles to maintain their physical and mental wellbeing.”

The Short Breaks Scheme is funded by Welsh Government and coordinated by Carers Trust Wales. It aims to supports 30,000 unpaid carers of all ages in Wales to take a break from their caring role, through overnight breaks, group activities and small grants by 2025. Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales is one of 27 caring organisations helping to deliver the scheme in 2024/25.

Carers Trust Wales launched a website ( this year to help unpaid carers find a break in their area.

Carer Support Pembrokeshire LAUNCHED

Launch Day banner

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the new Carers Support Pembrokeshire – a dedicate resource designed to support carers in our community providing information, advice and support for carers in Pembrokeshire.

Our new service offers:

  • Expert Guidance: We offer tailored one-to-one support from experienced professionals on managing your caring responsibilities.
  • Resources and Tools:  Access a wide range of helpful materials, including guides, local services, and financial support information.
  • Support Networks: Connect with other carers and discover local support groups, training, and events tailored to your needs.
  • Carers Grants
  • Short breaks, respite and replacement care
  • Free monthly legal advice surgeries

Rydym wrth ein bodd yn cyhoeddi lansiad gwasanaeth newydd Cymorth i Ofalwyr Sir Benfro – adnodd pwrpasol a gynlluniwyd i gynorthwyo gofalwyr yn ein cymuned, trwy ddarparu gwybodaeth, cyngor a chymorth i ofalwyr yn Sir Benfro.

Mae ein gwasanaeth newydd yn cynnig:

  • Arweiniad Arbenigol: Rydym yn cynnig cymorth un i un wedi’i deilwra gan weithwyr proffesiynol profiadol ar reoli eich cyfrifoldebau gofalu.
  • Adnoddau ac Offer:  Gallwch gyrchu ystod eang o ddeunyddiau defnyddiol, gan gynnwys canllawiau, gwasanaethau lleol, a gwybodaeth am gymorth ariannol.
  • Rhwydweithiau Cymorth: Cewch gysylltu â gofalwyr eraill a darganfod grwpiau cymorth, hyfforddiant, a digwyddiadau lleol wedi’u teilwra i’ch anghenion.
  • Grantiau Gofalwyr.
  • Seibiannau byr, gofal seibiant a gofal amgen.
  • Cymorthfeydd cyngor cyfreithiol misol am ddim.


Find out more about the service through the downloadable leaflet / Dysgwch fwy am y gwasanaeth trwy’r daflen y gellir ei lawrlwytho

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Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 6199277